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The Run Towrd the Sun: Remembering Juanita Rogers By Anton Haardt Reviewer Material contains:
1. Book Review
Reply Form
2. USA
Today article on "outsider" art
3. Gambit Weekly article introduces Anton Haardt and tells of her
experiences with Mose Tolliver. Article also mentions Haardt's essay on Juanita Rogers that was published
in Souls Grown Deep: African American Vernacular Art of the South
4. Anton Haardt Gallery two-sided flyer promoting Juanita Rogers
5. Juanita Rogers extract (two-sided)
from Souls Grown Deep: African American Vernacular Art of the South
6. Cover page from ENVISION explaining the excerpt
taken from Anton Haardt's original manuscript on Juanita Rogers
7. Albuquerque Journal Press Article on Raw Art collectors Mr.
and Mrs. Rosenak (two pages) with photo of one of Juanita Rogers' paintings
8. Book Review Reply Form
Book Items
Juanita Rogers book cover (preliminary)
Table of Contents
Introduction by Tom Patterson, folk art scholar
Three chapters with photos
Three art section page spreads
References (preliminary)